Disclaimers & Privacy Policies

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Topcom China Law Offices (the "Firm" or "We") is a full-service law firm established in China. The Firm owns and manages this website for the purpose of introducing services of the Firm. The information on this website is for your reference only, and does not constitute establishment of attorney-client relationship with you and/or issuance of legal advice or opinion of the Firm. If you have any specific requests for legal assistance, please contact our lawyers for legal advice.

While we endeavor to ensure completeness and accuracy of information on this website, we cannot guarantee completeness, accuracy and timeliness of the information, and therefore do not accept any liability or responsibility for any loss or damage arising from errors or omissions or your reliance on the information.

The Firm respects intellectual property rights. The information on this website, including texts, pictures or links that could involve matters related to intellectual property or other civil rights. Please do not distribute or use the information on this website without our permission. If you want to use the information on this website, please contact us. The Firm shall not be held liable for any legal liabilities arising from the use of information on this website without our permission. If you think the information on this website infringes any rights, please contact us, and we will deal with the request accordingly upon verification.

This website may contain links to third-party websites, we do not accept any liability or responsibility for your access to any content on any website other than this website, especially for privacy protection.

Privacy Policies

In general, you do not have to provide us with personal information to use this website, such as your name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, etc., unless you choose to fill out some forms on this website based on your volition and for purposes that you recognize, or to email us directly. We will collect and may use such personal information to respond to your on-line inquiries and to send you newsletters or publications upon your request.

We will not disclose personal information that we collect through your use of this website to unaffiliated third parties generally. However, we reserve the right to provide such information to our employees, agents, and designees to the extent necessary to enable them to perform certain website-related services on our behalf. We also reserve the right to disclose such information to any third party if we believe so required.

For the purpose of counting and analyzing number of views on this website, we may temporarily reserve your domain name.

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