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Topcom Recognized in Rankings of Well-known Organizations in Recent Months

Date:06. 26, 2024   Click:

Topcom was ranked by Benchmark Litigation Asia Pacific 2024 and Benchmark Litigation China 2024 in Government and Regulatory in June 2024. In the 2024 editions of Benchmark Litigation, Topcom was featured as "Notable Dispute Resolution Firms" in Asia Pacific, and "Recommended Dispute Resolution Firms" in China.

Regarding individual rankings, James Jiang, the managing partner of Topcom, was recognized as "Recommended Dispute Resolution Lawyers" in Government and Regulatory by both Benchmark Litigation Asia Pacific 2024 and Benchmark Litigation China 2024.

Meanwhile, "2024 Distinguished Lawyers & Law Firms Recommended by General Counsel of Reputable Enterprises in China" was officially released. James was recognized as "2024 Client Selected Lawyers".

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