Cyber Security & Data Protection

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With the rise of the Internet and smartphones, personal information leakage has drawn wide public attention from the legislature, industry authorities and social media, and led to a series of regulations and guidelines. In December 2012, the National People's Congress adopted the Decision of the Standing Committee on Strengthening the Protection of Network Information. In February 2013, the accompanying Information Security Technology - Guidelines for Personal Information Protection with Information System for Public and Commercial Services, China's first national standard on personal information protection, was formally implemented.

These laws and regulations were originally aimed at telecommunication and network information security. As China's rule of law continues to improve, Cybersecurity Law, Data Security Law and Personal Information Protection Law have been enacted on the basis of these. Over the past decade, our team has provided our clients with legal counseling on all aspects of data transmission and protection, from the initial focus on telecommunication compliance and security to more in-depth services. We have extensive experience in cross-border data transfers, data protection, state secrets protection, personal information and privacy protection, data review and other areas. Our clients are involved in a wide range of industries, including internet, telecommunications, intelligent connected vehicles, life sciences and general health, and chip manufacturing.

We have also established in-depth cooperation with international data compliance platforms and are able to provide one-stop global data compliance services, including GDPR and outbound data compliance matters, to meet the multi-faceted and personalized legal service needs of our clients.

We are named "Recommended Lawyers" in Corporate Investigations / Anti-Corruption by Chambers Greater China 2023 and 2024, and Chambers Global Guide 2024. Also, we are ranked as "Firms to Watch" in Data Protection (PRC Firms) by The Legal 500 Greater China 2024.

Our Services

Data Security and Privacy Protection

Conduct data due diligence and risk analysis, and set up data management systems; establish privacy policies and design systems for personal information collection, use and handling; provide data compliance counseling and training.

Data Cross-border Compliance

Interpret global data laws and regulations, analyze data cross-border risks and design data cross-border models; conduct data exit due diligence, assess data exit security and make official declarations; plan global operational data cross-border compliance solutions and respond to cross-jurisdictional data security incidents.


Provide GDPR legal counseling and analyze GDPR application; analyze the paths for cross-border data transfer and design cross-border data flow solutions; design DPO responsibilities; design data breach contingency plans and respond to and handle data breaches; provide GDPR training.

Data Breach Response

Develop response plan, provide staff training and make plan rehearsal; establish crisis management teams and cooperate with various third-party organizations; notify involved personnel and cooperate with relevant investigations; formulate public relations and government relations strategy; handle data dispute resolution.

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